A tragic event occurred in Madera Highlands when Sahuarita police discovered a man named Daniel Walker had been shot and killed in his own garage. The incident involved a woman named Tyesha Wayne, who is accused of shooting her boyfriend, Daniel. According to reports, witnesses saw her shoot Daniel at least once while he was already on the ground, but Tyesha denies this allegation.
Daniel Walker’s brother claims to have heard Wayne threaten to murder him while secretly listening in on a phone call. Was this murder premeditated?
What Happened
The police found seven bullet casings around Daniel’s body. Tyesha Wayne, aged 40, was arrested on suspicion of second-degree murder… But maybe it was premeditated. For now, she’s in custody at the Pima County Adult Detention Center with a $1 million bond.
The incident happened on a Monday evening around 5:30 p.m. A neighbor heard gunshots, went outside to investigate and witnessed Tyesha Wayne shoot Daniel Walker while he was on the ground, prompting her to call 911. Around the same time, one of Tyesha Wayne’s daughters also called 911 and claimed she saw her mother intentionally shoot Daniel in their garage.
Conflicting Accounts
During interviews, Tyesha’s daughters shared different accounts. One daughter claimed to be upstairs, hearing gunshots but not seeing anything. Tyesha’s other daughter (the one that initially called 911), changed her story, claiming to have heard her mother and Walker fighting in the garage, followed by gunshots. According to her second statement, she then opened the door to the garage and saw Walker fall to the ground. This is a different story than the one she told to 911 responders on the phone. Originally, she claimed to have seen her mother intentionally shoot Mr. Walker.
Tyesha’s Story Doesn’t Add Up
Detectives talked to Tyesha after she received medical treatment. She explained that she and Daniel had been arguing about a car tire for some time. On the day of the shooting, she followed him to the garage “to say goodbye”, and an argument escalated into a physical altercation. Tyesha claims that she grabbed a pistol to defend herself when Daniel became aggressive, and the gun went off during their struggle.
According to the report, Wayne said “He grabbed her and was throwing her around and would not let her go. She asked him to let her go. She retrieved a pistol from her bar and pointed it at (name redacted) and told him to let her go. There was a struggle for the pistol and she fired the gun.”
The detectives noted in their report Wayne could not say how many times she fired the gun, saying she was fighting for her life. She denied shooting him after he fell to the ground.
GV News
Detectives found seven spent shell casings around Walker, who appeared to have a defensive wound in one of his fingers, the report stated. That means he was holding his hands up, and she shot him through the hand…
This case should probably be changed to a First Degree homicide case because everything Wayne has alleged seems to be false. In fact, the victim’s brother claims to have heard Wayne threaten to murder his sibling over speakerphone in the recent past.
According to recent police reports, Sahuarita Police had been out to the residence recently and reported that Daniel Walker was trying to leave and distance himself from Wayne. This means Wayne is on record as the aggressor in their past domestic disputes.
When officers interviewed the first 911 caller, she said she thought the sound could be thunder or fireworks because she didn’t see anything out of the ordinary at first, then when she heard the noises again, she saw a man laying on the garage floor behind tires and witnessed Wayne shooting him once before she yelled, “Call the police, call the police.”
The investigation continues as detectives gather evidence to understand what happened more clearly. The incident is a tragic reminder of how conflicts can sometimes escalate to devastating outcomes. It’s important for everyone to find peaceful ways to resolve disagreements and conflicts to prevent such tragic incidents from occurring.
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